If they're gonna make you pay, move to Scotland - it's free up there!
Sad emo
JoinedPosts by Sad emo
Heart Beat Per Minute
by LouBelle ini've been sitting here "tikking" away on the pee cee, could feel my heart beat as i rested my hands.
so i took it - i'm averaging between 68 - 72 bpm.
my resting heart rate drops to about 60 (first thing in the morning).
Sad emo
I average 70 - 80 although at the moment its down at 60. I think my rate depends on how fast I'm breathing and I'm not breathing fast at the moment!
Sad emo
Nearly gone!
Its been a good day today. I managed to get up early enough to eat breakfast before I left home. I got most of my tasks at work finished. Worked a bit later than I was planning to but I wasn't too disappointed.
I feel more awake and alive today than I have for a few months - I guess spring is in the air!
by compound complex indear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
Sad emo
Hi CoCo, long time no see!
We just had loads of snow (well, more than we've been used to for the last couple of decades!). It has fortunately all gone now - I hate it when the snow gets so compacted that its a sheet of ice. i only slipped over once, I have a badly bruised leg as evidence!
Sadly, one of my felines went to the great cattery in the sky two weeks ago - Sophie, my sick kitty who was on all the meds. She hung on the best she could until I got home from work, then I cuddled her all night, she was purring for about 2 hours solid and then she went to sleep as she got weaker. I had to take her to the vets the next morning as she was going into renal failure by then - not nice if you leave it too long - she was gone before the nurse had emptied the syringe. Very peaceful.
My remaining kitty has only just come to the conclusion that Sophie is gone - he's been calling for her almost nonstop until a couple of days ago. He's still checking out all the places she used to hide both in the house and outside, i'm just giving him extra treats and tlc for now! maybe we'll get a new buddy in a few weeks
It's nice reading what I wrote about the cats in my previous post - it reminded me of the noises Sophie used to make when watching breakfast - a kind of feline Hannibal Lecter impersonation
UK's future
by hamilcarr infinancially?
what do you mean?.
Sad emo
We have no future, only now = we must have everything now.
Is there a better author of children's books than Dr. Seuss?
by JimmyPage inwhen i was a kid i thought dr. seuss was the sh*t. now that i'm a parent i still feel the same way.
who's your favorite author of children's books?.
Sad emo
Roald Dahl books are pretty good.
My faves as a child were Enid Blyton books.
Why tap water is better than bottled.
by Gregor inlots of reasons, cheaper, no plastic etc.
but the reason i prefer it is that when i travel i always keep water in the car.
bottled water is good for about a week then it starts to smell.
Sad emo
Don't know what the labelling laws are elsewhere but in the UK, bottled water generally comes in two varieties - mineral and 'spring'. Mineral water is bottled at source from natural springs, rivers etc and has to have all the mineral content listed. 'Spring' water, even though it may be labelled as 'bottled at source' - the source may be (often is) bottled from the water mains!
You can remove chlorine from your water by boiling it if you don't want to bother with filters.
Where I live, it isn't safe to drink from wells or springs due to run-off from agricultural land, there are a lot of sheep farms so the problem is a nasty bug called cryptospiridium People who rely on wells and springs for their water supply have to have special filtering and UV treatment systems fitted.
Also for you folks who use the water filters on your taps - please make sure you change them REGULARLY - all the nasties they filter out stay in the filter so its efficiency reduces and gradually goes into reverse - need I say more?!
Update: Mrs. Chickennest's cancer
by Thechickennest inmy dear wife has undergone three rounds of chemotherapy as an inpatient at the mayo clinic in the past two months.
we are returning to minnesota/mayo clinic this saturday.
she will begin seven weeks of chemotherapy/radiation.
Sad emo
Encouraging results so far. Let's hope the next round and the radiation (one of my dear friends used to call that a 'fry-up' session!) will see your wife into remission. Don't give up hope, even if it's the most aggressive cancer, I suspect there are still far too many unknown factors to the disease and its treatments.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Catholic Church Revives Indulgences
by leavingwt inin wittenberg, germany, martin luther is turning over in his grave.... according to church teaching, even after sinners are absolved in the confessional and say their our fathers or hail marys as penance, they still face punishment after death, in purgatory, before they can enter heaven.
in exchange for certain prayers, devotions or pilgrimages in special years, a catholic can receive an indulgence, which reduces or erases that punishment instantly, with no formal ceremony or sacrament.. there are partial indulgences, which reduce purgatorial time by a certain number of days or years, and plenary indulgences, which eliminate all of it, until another sin is committed.
you can get one for yourself, or for someone who is dead.
Sad emo
Outlawed in 1957?!!
You mean all those masses we paid for to be offered for my mum and dad were a waste of time and money??!!!
*emo stomps off up the road to church to claim her money back*
Kitten Name Ideas...
by Tuesday inso my wife and i just recently got 10 week old kittens.
we're trying to come up with names for them.
since it's a boy and a girl which are brother and sister my wife suggested luke and leiah, i suggested he-man and she-ra, we've suggested princess guienivier bananahammock and bob, sampson and delilah, adam and eve...it's been a long process.. so last night in i guess a semi-ephiphany i was thinking of classic literature and came up with alice and the mad catter.
Sad emo
Bonnie and Clyde
Catty (Cathy!) and Heathcliff
What about Kitty and Kat?
I call my cat Bombay Badboy (known to older Pot Noodle lovers!!) because he has the looks of a Bombay (breed) and he's a verry bad boy LOL!